Rights, Respect, Responsibility
Supplement: Showing Kindness & Support to Transgender and Nonbinary People
In this lesson we will examine ways that gender identity and expression are represented through media and how that can influence individual attitudes, beliefs and expectations.
Supplement: Being Respectful About Gender Identity: Pronouns and Practice!
In this lesson we will explore accurate and credible sources of online information about gender identity, gender expression, and other topics related to transgender youth and their health and well-being that will benefit transgender youth and their friends, alike.
Supplement: Thinking Outside the (Gender) Box
This lesson is intended to help upper elementary students understand the basic definitions related to gender identity and gender expression.
Lesson 6: Lesson 6: I Am Who I Am
This lesson defines sexual orientation and gender identity via a detailed PowerPoint and then students complete a myth vs. fact worksheet individually before comparing responses with a partner.
Lesson 2: Lesson 2: Gender Roles Gender Expectations (with AMAZE video)
This lesson involves students explaining to a hypothetical alien what a “boy” and “girl” is in the US using commonly held stereotypes about gender.
Lesson 5: Lesson 5: Understanding Gender
The lesson defines gender, biological sex, differences of sexual development, cisgender, transgender and gender identity and then students brainstorm gender scripts for people assigned male at birth and people assigned female at birth.
Lesson 4: Lesson 4: Sexual Orientation, Behavior & Identity
This lesson introduces the concept of “yellow flag” language (with accompanying Teacher’s Guide) while teasing apart one’s attractions to others, one’s behaviors and one’s self-identity.