Rights, Respect, Responsibility
Lección complementaria: Volver consciente lo inconsciente: impactos de los estigmas y los sesgos en la atención médica
Supplement: The Impact of Racism and Inequality on Sexual Health
By examining and discussing the impact of racism and inequality, educators can provide opportunities for awareness and advocacy that may encourage systematic change and lead to a more equitable society.
Supplement: Sexual Agency: Represent!
This lesson will discuss values and stereotypes that have been generalized by dominant culture while unlearning/relearning ideas that are less harmful to those that are oppressed, such as communities of color and those with several system-impacted identities.
Supplement: Reproductive Justice: Past, Present and Future
Sexuality education without courageous conversations about justice and the US’s painful history is biased erasure. Young people deserve to be informed and prepared for adulthood so we can improve the policies and practices of the past.
Supplement: Making the Unconscious Conscious: Impacts of Stigma & Bias
This lesson will define stigma and bias, have students analyze the way stigma and bias impact decision-making and healthcare, and create a plan for accessing healthcare.
Supplement: What’s Racism Got to Do With It?
Understanding how racism impacts sexual health and wellness - particularly for racialized people - is paramount to providing inclusive and affirming sex education. Sex education has a history of centering white, cisgender, heterosexual people, which can promote harm and/or erasure of everyone else.