Rights, Respect, Responsibility
Supplement: Consent, Sexting and the Law
The intent of this lesson is not to shame young people, but instead make them aware of, and consider the legal consequences of, their decisions about sexting. Additionally, this lesson includes information about consent to emphasize the importance of consenting to all sexual behaviors, including the creating and sharing of sexually explicit media.
Supplement: Not Made for TV
This lesson aims to identify unhealthy characteristics seen in media and provide a space to analyze these interactions and determine if they are healthy vs. unhealthy and therefore clearly separate what is made for tv and what is not desired in real life.
Supplement: Influencers for Life
This lesson aims to allow students to analyze how the people, communities, and our personal identities can impact so much of what we believe.
Supplement: Trafficking
Sex trafficking rates continue to increase and this lesson aims to clearly explain what sex trafficking is, how prevalent it is, and what it could look like. By educating our learners about tactics sex traffickers employ to recruit and exploit young people, offer additional protective factors to young people.
Lesson 11: Being Smart, Staying Safe Online
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Describe positive aspects of online talking and messaging. [Knowledge] 2. Identify examples of flirting and chatting that can be inappropriate or risky. [Knowledge] 3. Demonstrate an understanding of how to deal with uncomfortable situations when communicating online. [Knowledge, Skill]
Lesson 7: Sexual Decision Making
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Identify various reasons why teens choose to engage or not engage in sexual behaviors. [Knowledge] 2. Identify at least three questions whose answers can help determine if they are ready to engage in sexual behavior with a partner. [Knowledge] 3. Articulate a message that clearly identifies where they stand on engaging in sexual behavior with
Supplement: When Should a Person…
This lesson provides a safe space for students to identify how influences could impact a decision making process and then evaluate their influences for future decisions.
Lesson 3: Lesson 3: Cut it Out! Making Teasing and Bullying Stop
This lesson takes defining the word “bully” a step further. By the end of this lesson, students will have a broader definition of what bullying is, how to identify it, and how to respond effectively if students find they are being bullied.
Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Feeling SAFE!
This lesson demonstrates the importance of setting personal boundaries and how to handle uncomfortable situations where their boundaries may be crossed.
Lesson 3: Lesson 3: Learning About HIV &STDs
This lesson is meant to define and help students identify different age-appropriate methods of HIV transmission, as well as ways to prevent it.
Lesson 5: Lesson 5: Being Clear With Your Friends
This lesson demonstrates positive ways to communicate differences of opinion while maintaining relationships as well as the importance of using refusal skills and how to walk away from a difficult and/or uncomfortable situation.
Lesson 4: Lesson 4: Communicating about a Sensitive Topic
This lesson defines assertive, passive and aggressive communication and provides examples of each making connections to communicating about abstaining from sex.
Lesson 6: Lesson 6: Liking and Loving: Now and When I’m Older
This lesson starts by defining affection and having students provide examples of how people can show affection for one another.
Lesson 8: Lesson 8: Making SMART Choices
This lesson teaches a decision-making model and helps students use it to think through a potential conflict in the school cafeteria.
Lesson 2: Lesson 2: The World Around Me
This lesson looks at influences on decision-making by analyzing a scenario and the people who impacted their decision including parents, teachers, friends, media, etc.
Lesson 5: Lesson 5: We Need to Talk
This lesson is about the importance of listening and communicating clearly and students rehearse those skills in pairs with a third students observing and providing feedback.
Lesson 2: Lesson 2: How Well Do I Communicate with Others?
This communication lesson starts with a brief drawing activity completed by students in pairs to assess their own listening and communicating and analyze what strategies are effective or ineffective and why.
Lesson 6: Lesson 6: Decisions, Decisions
This lesson has students engage in an activity to practice making decisions in rapid succession and then reflect on the factors that impacted their choices.
Lesson 7: Lesson 7: Sexual Decision Making (with AMAZE video)
This lesson was adapted and reprinted with permission from the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Our Whole Lives Grades 7-9 curriculum and has students reflect on a handout looking at their readiness to be sexually intimate with another person as a starting activity.