Rights, Respect, Responsibility
Supplement: Power and Privilege
This lesson aims to identify how power and privilege can impact a relationship. Additionally, this lesson will cover how these same factors, as well as personal and societal factors, could keep someone from leaving an unhealthy relationship.
Supplement: Unhealthy Relationships – Plan for Safety
The ability to determine that a relationship is unhealthy is important, but it is even more important to be able to create a plan to leave an unsafe relationship - this lesson will help students do just that.
Supplement: My Body is MY Body
This lesson provides an important foundation for students about seeking help from trusted adults.
Lesson 3: Healthy or Unhealthy Relationships?
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1.Characterize, in their own opinion, at least one relationship trait as either healthy or unhealthy. [Knowledge, Skill, Attitude] 2.Name at least two types of power differential in relationships, as well as their implication for the relationship. [Knowledge] 3.Describe at least two ways in which an unhealthy relationship can become a healthy on
Supplement: Breaking Up is Hard to Do But Not Impossible
This lesson identifies why a person views relationships the way they do, looks at strategies to end a relationship respectfully, and shares resources to provide support when ending unhealthy relationships.
Lesson 1: Lesson 1: Different Kinds of Families
This lesson teaches students about different family structures/configurations as well as the importance of being respectful towards different kinds of families.
Lesson 1: Lesson 1: Friendships
This lesson teaches students about the importance of friendships and what it takes to be a good friend, as well as why friends count on us and how we can show our friends that we care about them.
Lesson 2: Lesson 2: Bullying Is Never OK
The goal of this lesson is to get students to fully grasp the fact that bullying is never a good or okay thing to take part in and what to do if students come across bullying.
Lesson 3: Lesson 3: Cut it Out! Making Teasing and Bullying Stop
This lesson takes defining the word “bully” a step further. By the end of this lesson, students will have a broader definition of what bullying is, how to identify it, and how to respond effectively if students find they are being bullied.
Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Seeking Help
The overall purpose of this lesson is to get students to understand the concept that teasing, touching, bullying, or being forced to touch someone else is never ok and is an important sign that help needs to be called upon right away.
Lesson 1: Lesson 1: Respect for All
This lesson demonstrates what it means to treat others with dignity and respect and shows students how they can work together to promote dignity and respect among all people.
Lesson 2: Lesson 2: Figuring Out Friendships (with AMAZE video)
This lesson teaches about the characteristics and importance of healthy relationships with family, friends, peers, or partners, and discuss the impact of positive and negative influences when it comes to relationships.
Lesson 4: Lesson 3: Taking a Stand Against Bullying. (with AMAZE video)
Teachers will demonstrate effective ways in which students could handle when they or someone they know is being teased, harassed, or bullied, and discuss different skills to take action.
Lesson 5: Lesson 5: Being Clear With Your Friends
This lesson demonstrates positive ways to communicate differences of opinion while maintaining relationships as well as the importance of using refusal skills and how to walk away from a difficult and/or uncomfortable situation.
Lesson 4: Lesson 4: Communicating about a Sensitive Topic
This lesson defines assertive, passive and aggressive communication and provides examples of each making connections to communicating about abstaining from sex.
Lesson 5: Lesson 5: More Than Friends: Understanding Romantic Relationships
This lesson starts with a case study analyzed in trios which is then compared to a second case study for a second round of analysis.
Lesson 6: Lesson 6: Liking and Loving: Now and When I’m Older
This lesson starts by defining affection and having students provide examples of how people can show affection for one another.
Lesson 11: Lesson 11: Being Smart, Staying Safe Online
This lesson is reprinted from Common Sense Media and involves students looking at online safety among social networking, gaming and texting/video chatting.
Lesson 3: Lesson 3: Healthy Or Unhealthy Relationships? (with AMAZE video)
This lesson has students in pairs review a hypothetical relationship and determine if they believe it’s healthy or unhealthy and then post it under the corresponding sign.
Lesson 5: Lesson 5: We Need to Talk
This lesson is about the importance of listening and communicating clearly and students rehearse those skills in pairs with a third students observing and providing feedback.
Lesson 6: Lesson 6: Talking without Speaking: The Role of Texting In Relationships
This lesson explores the challenges of communicating clearly solely by text using some examples of when messages can be interpreted in different ways.
Lesson 1: Lesson 1: They Love Me . . . They Love Me Not . . .
This lesson uses a short video showing three different teen relationships and asks students to analyze each couple.
Lesson 2: Lesson 2: How Well Do I Communicate with Others?
This communication lesson starts with a brief drawing activity completed by students in pairs to assess their own listening and communicating and analyze what strategies are effective or ineffective and why.